
40 nm Au/Pt Nanocomposites

40 nm Au/Pt Nanocomposites

40 nm Au/Pt Nanocomposites
Average size : 40 ± 3 nm
Size distribution ( CV% ) : < 10%
Peak wavelength : 526 ± 2 nm
40 nm Au/Pt Nanocomposites
Average size : 40 ± 3 nm

Size distribution ( CV% ) : < 10 %
Peak wavelength : 526 ± 2 nm


Compared with the nano-gold colloidal solution ( Au 20-40  nm ), the nano-gold/platinum colloidal solution ( Au/Pt NPs ) is black, while the nano-gold colloidal solution ( Au 20-40 nm ) is wine red. Optically different from colorimetric methods in lateral flow analysis ( LFA ). Au/Pt NPs are also known as nano-oxidants because they have the catalytic activity of Pt skin in processing LFA, which is more favorable for signal amplification.

Features and Benefits:

• Use of nano-oxidants for signal amplification
• The use and operation methods of Lateral Flow Analysis ( LFA ) and Enzyme Binding Immunosorbent Assay ( ELISA ) are the same as colloidal gold
• For multicolor and multiple lateral flow analysis